M2030 Project: What Will Additive Manufacturing Look Like in 2030?

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is growing increasingly capable of doing more than just producing prototypes. Many now believe that AM, after years of development, is on the cusp of a commercial breakthrough. As McKinsey said in a March report this year: “After decades as a bit player, additive manufacturing is on the cusp of stardom. Faster machines, better materials, and smarter software are helping to make a realistic solution for many real-world production applications. ”If the predictions are correct, what will AM be capable of doing by the year 2030?


Dr. Thomas R. Kurfess, Executive Director of the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Research Institute, Professor and HUSCO/Ramirez Distinguished Chair in FluidPower and Motion Control, George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Kurfess is a member of the MLC’s Board of Governors.

This call is part of the MLC’s Manfacturing in 2030 project.

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